The Vocabulary-Defiler!

Today’s entry is about the Vocabulary-Defiler – names have been changed to protect the innocent! Now, I’ve said before – I have a pretty decent vocabulary. I rarely use it when I’m speaking, however. I can spell all kinds of big, pretty words, and I can use them...

Secret Words, Lovecraft & Murder… oh, my!

Okay, so we’re in my personal celebration of vocabulary. Anyone ever flip through the dictionary just to find words that they don’t know or that sound weird? I do. I have. I thought I could subscribe to or’s word of the day emails to get my fix....

It’s National Vocabulary Month!

Today, I’m kicking off my own personal celebration – vocabulary month. I lied about the “national” bit – but hey, International Talk Like a Pirate Day had to start somewhere! And I PROMISE it won’t be as boring as it sounds. As a writer, words...