I’ve been writing for what feels like my whole life. I’m a sucker for a happy ending (get your mind out of the gutters!) so it’s been romance almost all the way. I’m a Canadian transplanted to Florida who writes happy-ever-afters about men loving men, whether they’re psychics, space travelers, aliens, professors, construction workers, cops, amateur sleuths… you name it, I’ll probably write it. I’ve got a pair of black cats, aka muses/nuisances, and a supportive, understanding hubby.

Writing is always fun, despite the hard work, but writing about my guys is more fun than I’ve had in a long time. Love between consenting adults is a beautiful thing, and should be celebrated, regardless of sexual orientation. I hope you enjoy reading my stories as much as I love writing them.

My Commitment to You, My Readers:

I believe strongly in human creators. I have not, nor do I intend to write any of my books using generative AI – which probably should be self evident, given how slowly I write. In addition, I am committed to using human voices for audiobooks. I will not knowingly commission cover art or other services that use generative AI. 

Naturally, the service I purchased to update my website templates recently implemented a rather intrusive AI feature, but I am ignoring it, and will continue to do so. 




my two black cats

Sesame & Midnight

My current muses 🙂