Whew. Super short post today. I’m still catching up from edits (my ‘cursed’ story and my upcoming release for Carina press) and preparing for vacation. However I’ll be participating in a huge M/M Chat at Literary Nymphs on Thanksgiving Weekend with an enormous number of fabulous and talented m/m authors, so please stop by! The festivities begin 9 am (eastern) on November 26 and extend through November 28 on the Literary Nymphs yahoo chat group.
I’m hoping to relax a bit over the next couple of weeks and get started on a new project, which was supposed to have been the first time I did NaNoWriMo. Ah well, there’s always next year to try! This story should be less vexing and go more smoothly than the ‘cursed’ one — seriously, never again am I using that word in a working title for a story! But it is done & submitted, so we’ll see how it goes. Of course, I submitted it with a completely unworkable title. If it gets accepted and they don’t make me change the title, I will probably fall over and die from the shock.
And on that happy note, hope to see you at the Literary Nymphs chat!